MIPIM 2018 was a very special event year for FIABCI. This year, FIABCI made a special effort to offer to its delegates and partners a spacious and pleasant pavilion of 154 m2, on the 4th floor of the Palais des Festivals in Cannes.132 FIABCI delegates came from 33 countries to participate in this major event for the real estate industry, using the facilities and services of the FIABCI Pavilion for their business meetings and networking.
MIPIM Cannes is the world’s leading real estate business and networking event, attracting 26,000 attendees. Key focuses included, the expected growth in real estate investment expected; urban development, innovation with focus on start-ups, the move to target cities rather than countries in investment strategies and how tech is being more fully embraced by real estate companies.
Throughout the intensive week of discussion MIPIM 2018’s central theme, “Together we map world urbanity,” highlighted the urgent need for governments and, in particular, city authorities and real estate companies, to work together to develop urban cities. During three days at the FIABCI Pavilion, delegates enjoyed meeting some of the most influential real estate professionals from around the world.
Throughout the event, FIABCI’s Pavilion sheltered 15 conferences with opening sessions and top level panelists interventions and speeches around the general MIPIM theme and FIABCI’s umbrella’s theme “World Property and Urban Forum.” On the following pages is day-by-day recap of the highlights of FIABCI’s presence at MIPIM and at related events in Nice and Paris. View or download additional photos from these links: FIABCI at MIPIM, Gala Dinner and HQ Inauguration.
Monday, 12 March 2018, Nice
Before MIPIM opened its doors, FIABCI delegates and partners gathered in Nice for meetings and in Cannes for a Gala Dinner. The dense and rich program started on Monday, March 12th with the European Chapter Presidents meetings followed by the Board of Directors Meeting in Nice, at Hotel Le Negresco. Key points covered during the European Chapter Presidents meeting included a report from European Region Committee President Ramon Riera Torroba, the global calendar, affiliation and how national chapters can attract more members.
After the presidential remarks by Farook Mahmood, the main points discussed during the Board of Directors Meeting in Nice included:
- Financial committee report and recommendations
- Outstanding balance 2017
- World Organization – Membership fee
- World Property and Urban Forum
- FIABCI Global Events report
- World Congress 2019
- Partnership request and Global Partnership Agreement – IELPE
- New Chapter requests: FIABCI-Mongolia, FIABCI-Iran FIABCI-Turkey, FIABCI-Vietnam and updates on ongoing negotiations (China, Croatia, Costa Rica, Israel, Latin America, South Africa)
- Presentation by Mr. Sultan Al Akraf, Dubai Land Department on the new registration process for the 69th FIABCI World Congress “Happy Cities.”
“Together We Map World Urbanity”
Cocktail Reception and Gala Dinner
Following a day of meetings and intensive exchanges between FIABCI’s members, it was time to share an enjoyable event with the highly expected smoking and cocktail dress FIABCI Gala Dinner, held at the Hôtel Barrière Le Majestic Cannes. Some 180 distinguished guests attended this memorable event hosted by Andrew Morris, CEO of Picmiller/BluePrint. The guests were welcomed by a cocktail at the terrace of the mythic hotel, before getting into a prestigious room where a live band and a photographer were waiting for them to make the event epochal.
After the dinner was served, Mr Farook Mahmood, FIABCI’s World President 2017-2018 took the opportunity to honor 13 partners with awards. Among them: Mr Andrew Morris, CEO of Picmiller/BluePrint and Special Host; Mr. Eduardo Moreno, Head of Research and Capacity, UN-Habitat; Mrs. Alejandra Perez, Liaison Officer, City Prosperity Initiative, UN-Habitat; Mr. Daniel Kurkdjian CEO of Grant Thornton France; Rony Tamayo, VP, Lennar; Filippo Rean Director for Real Estate Division Reed MIDEM; Mr. Marc Vetillard, Reed MIDEM Sales Director Continental Europe & Africa.
All received their awards in the presence of the past World Presidents and the board members, together with generous applauses from the elegant and chic audience. The Gala Dinner ended joyfully, with dances and laughs, around midnight.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018, Cannes
Over three days, FIABCI’s Pavilion sheltered 15 conferences with opening sessions and top level panelists interventions and speeches around the general theme “FIABCI, Together We Map World Urbanity” and within the framework of the World Property and Urban Forum.
Enrico Campagnoli, President of FIABCI’s International Organizations Committee, oversaw the opening and presentation of key sessions. He brilliantly explained the theme from FIABCI’s perspective and introduced the panelists: Farook Mahmood, FIABCI World President 2017-2018; Eduardo Moreno, Head of Research and Capacity, UN-Habitat; Rudiger Ahrend, Head of Economic Analysis, Statistics and Multi-Level Governance Section, OECD; and Kirkor Ajderhanyan, FIABCI World President 2016-2017 (in charge of WPUF).
After the World President explained the mission of FIABCI, the panelists detailed how they see tomorrow’s cities. With FIABCI’s professionals representing 42 countries therefore: “We are the representatives of the world population. We have the responsibility to create better cities that connect urbanisation.” /… / “In the next 20 years, we are expecting the world to grow and develop.” /… / “The future of the cities will be written in plural. They will be some national and local changes,” said Eduardo Moreno.
Noticeable exchanges about urban agenda, shift of global power, climate change and the link between urbanisation and poverty and inequalities were heard. Above all, the first keynote pointed out that however the cities will be in 20 years, they will have to take into account people’s perception and the way they perceive happiness. From the first day of the conferences to the last one, the human being has always been valued by prominent researchers as well as real estate specialists.
Session 1: “Prosperous Future of Cities with People's Participation”
This was a rich discussion on national and local contribution to the FIABCI Urban Monitoring Lab with four panelists: Paolo Facchini, Partner and Chairman, Lombardini22 Group; Luca Bigliardi, Founding Partner, Principio Attivo Architecture Group; Stefano Magnolfi, Director, CRIF RES; and Marco Matteini, Architect, MATTEINI + ASSOCIATES.
Moderator Enrico Campagnoli, Founding Partner, IL PUNTO/CORFAC, summed up the session saying: “The future of the cities is the future of humanity.” Indeed, as far as sustainable housing is concerned, researchers today agree that human should always come first.
Session 2: “Cities: How to Assess their Prosperity?”
The sessions of the Word Urban Property Forum took place at the Auditorium A for the first time in FIABCI’s history at MIPIM. World President Farook Mahmood expressed his enthusiasm about the City Prosperity Initiative and the partnership with the UN-Habitat.
Eduardo Lopez Moreno, Head of Research and Capacity, UN-Habitat exposed his knowledge and work on “What will cities look like in 2030 or 2050? And How to assess their prosperity.”
“Will be the role of cities, sometime more powerful than their countries?” was the panel discussion theme with Eduardo Lopez Moreno, Head of Research and Capacity, UN-Habitat; and Luis Herrera Favela, Director of City Prosperity Initiative Project, UN-Habitat.
Moderators were Enrico Campagnoli, FIABCI’s President of International Organizations Committee, and Alejandra Perez, City Prosperity Initiative-Advocacy, Outreach and Communications, UN-Habitat.
Monday, 12 March 2018, Nice
Session 3: “Real Estate for the Social, Economic and Financial Development”
Session 3 featured Tadashi Matsumoto, Senior Policy Analyst - Sustainable Urban Development, OECD. Panelists discussed “Property rights, how they can improve the economy?” Panelists included: Dr. Chryssy A Potsiou, President, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG); Mark Draeck, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO; and Vincent Gauthier, Founder, Catallaxy. Chairing the session was the excellent Enrico Campagnoli, President of International Organizations Committee, FIABCI.
Panel discussion 2 focused on “Urban solutions for economic development” with Didier Vancutsem, Secretary General, ISOCARP as Chair Person and distinguished panelists: Lola Davidson, Deputy Secretary General, International Urban Development Association (INTA); Jean Félix, Chairman, International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC); and Nicolas Buchoud, Founding principal, Renaissance Urbaine.
At midday, a third panel focused on “Digital economy - partnership framework for State, Architects, Developers and other Experts.” Panelists included Mikhail Grin President, Grand & Metro Consulting (Chairperson) along with Viktor Ivanyuk, President, Avangard Invest Project; Nikolai Kazanskiy, President, Russian Guild of Managers and Developers; and Maartin Vermeulen, Regional Manging Director Europe, Russia and CIS.
In the afternoon, Léo Attias (left), President of FIABCI-France, was featured with his new book, “Immobilier, quelles sont les clés pour réussir son investissement à l’international?” – capturing the interest of the audience. The book presentation provided attendees to learn more about “The main challenges of the real estate industry in France.”
President Farook Mahmood congratulated his French colleague about his inspiring success story. Ariane Artinian, Editor-in-chief, Radio-immo, facilitated the discussion.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018, Cannes
Wednesday 14th was the busiest day at the FIABCI Pavilion, with no less than seven discussions or conferences. Another dense and rich Keynote was “The International Ethics Standard – how can one set of rules work for the real estate industry worldwide?” by Mrs. Karin Barthelmes-Wehr, Managing Director, ICG - Institut für Corporate Governance.
The last panel discussion of the day was on “Spring Real Estate Industry Report 2018” by the Council of Real Estate Wise Men, featuring Michael Heming, President, FIABCI-Deutschland (as Chairperson) surrounded by eloquent panelists: Dr. Andreas Mattner, Chairman, ZIA German Real Estate Association; Jürgen Michael Schick, President, IVD German Real Estate Federation; and Andreas Schulten, Bulwiengesa AG, Member of Council of Real Estate Wise Men.
Thursday, 15 March 2018, Cannes
Session 4: “FIABCI National Urban Monitoring Labs”
Enrico Campagnoli (right), President of FIABCI’s International
Organizations Committee conducted a keynote on “How to support and promote UN-Habitat Perception Index of City Prosperity Initiative.” He was surrounded by a dozen passionate delegates whose implication made the meeting uplifting and intense.
Session 5: “Public Private Project for sustainable development in Indonesia”
Session 5 provided the opportunity to see a beautiful video on Mandalika Project, presentation by Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) and Vinci Construction Grands Projects (VCGP). The session was chaired by Tahar Saïah, Professor of Economics, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Panelists included: Ricky Baheramsjah, Head of Investment & Marketing Division, ITDC; Aditya Megantara, Business Development Associate, ITDC; and Thibaut Peniguet, CFO Gulf Area Countries, VCGP.
Before lunch time, a brilliant exposé on “Operiō immō Launch - Operational Intelligence for Real Estate Professionals” was presented by Grant Thornton, FIABCI Global Partner, followed by a panel discussion chaired by Alexandre Ozararat, Managing Partner, Grant Thornton France. Panelists included: Armand Pinarbasi, Director of Provence-Mediterranean region, Grant Thornton France; Pierre Garant, President of Operiō; and Raymond Chabot of Grant Thornton. These gentlemen showed their expertise in managing risk and insurance beautifully.
Following a cocktail reception, the FIABCI Pavilion sheltered Georgia thanks to keynotes presented by Oleksandr Sokol, President of FIABCI’s Young Member Committee who was warmly applauded by the audience. He provided an insight into the topic: “Georgia, what are the main factors of investment attractiveness?”
Last, but not least, “The Power of Networking” was demonstrated by our partner Andrew Morris, CEO, TheBluePrint. He explained with facts and concrete examples how and why networking makes good business while makes you feel better as a human being.
An uplifting and exciting week with conferences, business meetings and international networking which ended beautifully with two cocktails offered to FIABCI members by partners The Miami Association of Realtors® (held in their stand) and FIABCI sponsor Lennar, on a yacht.
MIPIM was a great success for FIABCI’s members and partners. The event opened the door to new partnerships, new businesses, new memberships and was in line with the FIABICI’s DNA: to help its members add an international dimension to their businesses. FIABCI ambition is to help its members acquire knowledge, develop networks and optimize business opportunities all over the world. MIPIM 2019 is already on every participant’s mind. #FIABCIatMIPIM o
Photo credits for MIPIM images in this issue: Christophe Lebedinsky, Christophe Giraudeau and Claire Mendy