FIABCI-Brasil announces winners of Prêmio Master Imobiliário 2020
The 2020 edition of the Master Real Estate Award - Prêmio Master Imobiliário -, which is organized by FIABCI-Brasil and Secovi-SP with dozens of projects entered from all corners of Brazil, is living proof that the Brazillian real estate sector is firm on its path and resilient as always. Since its inception, the Award has managed to overcome different economic and social challenges that affect the country.
In its 26th edition, the Master Award's winning projects stand out for their importance, technical capacity and constructive quality, among other features. These projects reflect the seriousness and commitment of entrepreneurs and professionals who incorporate competence, nurture creativity, and ensure the development of cities and the satisfaction of their customers. They also reflect the performance of companies with proven ability to address the hurdles faced by the Brazilian real estate sector. These professionals and companies continue to work diligently even in difficult and uncertain times like these.
Celebrating and recognizing excellence
The Master Real Estate Award not only values and encourages Brazil's real estate sector, which is one of the pillars of the domestic economy, it also recognizes the activities of industry players who make a difference. These players have the power to transform and to adverse circumstances through the expertise, skills and commitment that they bring to each completed real estate project offered to society.
These projects result from strict compliance with federal, state and city laws that regulate the sector in different areas, such as labor, tax, environment, sanitary, land development, use and occupation of urban land, building, development and condominium, and consumer protection, among other laws, technical standards and rules that also guide the preservation of historical, landscape and architectural heritage.
No doubt that the Master Real Estate Award is the greatest tribute that our multidisciplinary real estate industry pays to its professionals, from the most humble construction worker to the most experienced and daring leader and entrepreneur, through to experts and technicians like architects, engineers, landscapers, lawyers, realtors, decorators, advertisers, accountants and administrators, among many others.
Find out who are this year's Master Award's winning projects here.
Source: Master Real Estate Award Magazine.