FIABCI-Ukraine President shares his plans for 2021
Dear real estate market experts of Ukraine,
This 2020 is coming to an end and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!
An extremely important lesson that 2020 has given us is our ability to find opportunities to communicate, do business, and create value for each other through online communication and at a distance of social responsibility.
I would like to note once again how important it was, that this year we were able to hold several offline events held in early 2020 (Turkish Brunch and Business Lunch on doing business with Indonesia) and our annual General Assembly at the end of the year at which we voted for the election of the new head of the Brokerage Committee - Olena Malenkova and the head of the Audit Commission - Ivan Sukhoveev. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank once again the previous leaders of the units - Arthur Ohanesyan and Inna Perekrest, respectively, for their volunteer initiative and work done.
FIABCI-UKRAINE Board has been active throughout the year, making sometimes very difficult decisions in order to continue to create value for you to be a part of the professional community.
I would especially like to thank Anna Koval - Past President Chapter, Vitaliy Vasyutyk - my Vice President, Executive Director Kateryna Pylypchuk, Board Members Yevheniia Myroshnychenko, Georgy Khioni, and Honorary President Telman Abbasov, as well as our Principal members - Victor Nesin, Sergii Frolov, Volodymyr Shalayev for their active position and ability to make difficult decisions, seek compromises and at the same time defend the position of an international organization as a platform for dialogue of all professional organizations in the market.
It should also be noted that during this year we were joined by a new corporate member, with whom we actively cooperated - this is the management company Activitis. Together, we organized an international online event on commercial real estate management and attracted more than 150 listeners from 20 countries. This event was attended by our members from Kazakhstan, whose activity this year should be noted separately. Aliya Serikpayeva, Konstantin Yeliseyev, and Aidai Ismailova took part in several FIABCI-Ukraine events this year, and we were even honored to host Aliya Serikpayeva during our annual GA in Kyiv with CREW Central Asia Founder - Askhat Isabekov. Also, noting the work with our overseas members - this year we held a fruitful international online forum on investing in emerging economies - together with Jörg Baehren from Germany.
I would like to separately mention the joint work this year with our young member Alissa Ban'kovska and her projects of the Synchro-Space platform. In particular, the joint organization of the first International Competition of Innovation Projects in Sustainable Urban Development FIABCI-Ukraine Synchro Space Award 2020, which involved an international jury of FIABCI from 5 continents and identified three winners who received awards and opportunities to implement their innovations in Ukraine and spread innovation. ideas in the world.
It is important that this year FIABCI-Ukraine together with SFNU were able to organize in an online format the IX National Forum "Real Estate of Ukraine" and combine online streams with the 39th FIABCI Leadership Summit, providing online simultaneous translation into Ukrainian of keynote speeches by world-class architects. Fernando Romero (Mexico) and business coach Tom Phillips (UK), as well as to hold a joint award ceremony online for the winners of the XV Award "Professional Recognition" and the Competition "Best Real Estate Companies", which we traditionally celebrate at the end of the year with SFNU and AVISO.
Next year - 2021 - we will have less uncertainty, as it is already known that the 72nd FIABCI World Congress in Paris, France has been postponed by the Board of Directors of FIABCI international to May-June 2022. Therefore, the traditional World Congress in May next year, unfortunately, will not be held as usual.
But we know for sure that MIPIM2021 will be held in Cannes, France from 7 to 10 June 2021 under any circumstances. At the same time, during MIPIM2021, the FIABCI World Prix DÉxcellence Award ceremony is planned to be held, as well as key FIABCI committee meetings. Therefore, starting in January 2021, we will help you properly and efficiently prepare for the effective attendance of this most visited and recognized event in our industry. Let me remind you that FIABCI members have the opportunity to visit MIPIM with a 50% discount and be able to use the FIABCI Pavilion for free.
From 16 to 19 November 2021, FIABCI-Mexico invites all FIABCI members to join the 40th FIABCI Global Summit of Leaders in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, which will be FIABCI International's first offline Global Event since the Covid 19 pandemic. In 2021 the Leadership summit is planned not as usual in December, but in the second half of November, as it will be tied to the World Realtors Conference of the NAR-USA, which will be held in San Diego, the USA from November 12-15, 2021. Our FIABCI-Ukraine members include NAR members, which makes it a convenient business route to attend two major professional events in the United States and Mexico on one business trip.
In December 2021, we traditionally together with SFNU and AVISO organize the X National Forum "Real Estate of Ukraine", which will be an anniversary event and will be a pearl for our market, as we plan to organize the First National Prize FIABCI-Ukraine Prix D'Excellence Award, which will mark the most successful development projects of the market in 16 nominations.
Next year, we also plan to look for ways to organize our traditional business breakfasts or brunches, creating networking opportunities, while attracting foreign speakers through a combination of offline and online formats. It will be very useful and interesting.
Also, it is planned to hold online events together with FIABCI international and FIABCI chapters of different countries with the involvement of simultaneous translation.
At the end of this year, for your convenience in informing your employees, colleagues, partners about the meaning of your membership in the world organization - we translated the FIABCI Brochure into Ukrainian language and will continue to translate a valuable and useful context for you in 2021.
Also, as planned in the program of activities for 2021, we will start preparing projects for the translation of real estate legislation from Ukrainian into English, to receive grant support. We will also organize trade and investment missions in a mixed (online/offline) format. We will carry out explanatory work on the issues of the best international practice in the field of legislative regulation of the professional activity of the specialists who are members of FIABCI.
Expect news from us.
I would like to thank every real estate market expert and wish you that 2021 become a very successful year, in which all the accumulated potential and experience of innovative approaches to remote management resulted in extremely interesting and fruitful projects, profits, and happy moments celebrating their valuable progress as creators of the future of our state, defending its place on the international real estate map of the world!
Congratulations on the coming Christmas and New Year 2021!
Yours sincerely,
Dmitry Kovganich
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FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation