Call for Applications for the 2023 World Prix d'Excellence Awards
FIABCI is pleased to announce that registration for the 2023 FIABCI World Prix d'Excellence Awards is now open. The registration form is available here and more information can be found in this brochure and at www.fiabciprix.com.
FIABCI chapters are welcome to invite their respective national Prix d'Excellence award winners (FIABCI chapters that have a national award established), as well as to recommend completed projects (FIABCI chapters that do not have a national award established) to take part in the 2023 FIABCI World Prix d'Excellence Awards.
The ceremony is set to happen during the 73rd FIABCI World Real Estate Congress from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Miami, Florida.
About the FIABCI World Prix d' Excellence Awards
The FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards recognise the projects that best embody excellence in all the real estate disciplines involved in their creation. It concretely illustrates the FIABCI ideal of providing society with optimal solutions to its property needs and helping make the world a better place to live, work and enjoy.
Judged on two levels by an international panel comprising top real estate professionals and an Oversight Panel representing five continents from around the world, the FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence rewards overall merit, beyond aesthetics, functionality, or size. Therefore, it represents an outstanding achievement and bestows upon the winner the right to use the coveted exclusive award logo.
The World Prix d’Excellence Awards is much more than just a real estate competition. It represents projects that are a cut above the rest.