Turkish Business Branch
On February 13, 2020, FIABCI-Ukraine business brunch dedicated to the Turkish real estate market and, in particular, the features of the Alanya real estate market, took place in Kyiv. The main speakers at the event were Anna Koval, past president of FIABCI-Ukraine and CEO of @SCG - International Real Estate & Investment Projects and Hakan KENDIRLI - CEO of ALANYACITYGROUP. The participants of the event learned from the first mouth about the peculiarities of the Turkish market and specifics of working with brokers on the coast, about the Turkish hospitality, climate, nature, flora, fauna and even the concern of the municipal authorities about pets:) During the event, FIABCI-Ukraine President Дмитрий Ковганич also granted FIABCI pins to FIABCI members who has just joined the chapter recently - Людмила Конвисарова , Владимир Гейко, Olga Romanenko and Ivan Suhoveev.