2021 FIABCI-Indonesia - REI Excellence Awards
Coinciding with the National Convention of the Indonesian Real Estate Association (REI), FIABCI-Indonesia and the Indonesian Real Estate Association have held the 2021 FIABCI-Indonesia-REI Excellence Awards ceremony at Ciputra Artpreneur Jakarta, on Monday December 20, 2021. The ceremony was conducted on hybrid of online and offline activities with a limited number of participants.
This year, 20 projects from 14 categories have been honored with this most prestigious property award in the real estate industry where the local winners will be nominated to participate in the international 2022 FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Awards. Doddy A. Tjahjadi, Chairman of the 2021 FIABCI-Indonesia-REI Excellence Awards Committee stated that judging requirements for the 2021 FIABCI-Indonesia-REI Excellence Awards were referred to the International FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Awards criteria. The judges who have conducted the assessment are all experts from various fields of real estate such as city planners, architects and environmentalists. They were chaired by Agnes Stephania who indicated that at the final scoring stage, 47 out of 63 projects have been shortlisted and 20 have been declared to have received the highest score with details of 9 gold winners, 6 silver winners, and 5 outstanding achievements.
FIABCI World President Jordi Ribó has stated in his pre-recorded opening address for this award ceremony that the winning projects have demonstrated the pinnacle of achievement in planning and design, construction quality and environment and community benefits. Moreover, he added that visionary architectural design combined with the state-of-the-art construction material and methods would lead to a better quality of life. He underlined the importance of collaboration among all FIABCI chapters to exchange knowledge in the midst of the current situation, particularly in the uncertainty of when the Covid-19 crisis will subside.
Budiarsa Sastrawinata, President of FIABCI-Indonesia and World President-Elect 2022–2023 has expressed his hopes for the winners of the 2021 FIABCI-Indonesia-REI Excellence Awards to prepare themselves to advance to the international competition and make Indonesia proud at the 2022 FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Awards. Concurrently, Budiarsa has conveyed his appreciation to all developers who have been honored with the 2021 FIABCI-Indonesia – REI Excellence award for their work in developing housings for the low-income community (MBR) in 34 REI local chapters across Indonesia. This special category is called the Outstanding Achievement MBR Awards.
Paulus Totok Lusida, Chairman of REI affirmed that the 2021 FIABCI-Indonesia – REI Excellence Awards shall create a positive impact on the national real estate industry, among others, to spur the quality of property products in the country, appreciate the developers who have developed their best products, and open up opportunities for national developers to compete at the global level.