FIABCI Real Estate Days: Full Program
The FIABCI Real Estate Days is set to happen in a virtual format from June 1 to 3, 2021, under the theme Digital transformation and the legacy of the global outbreak in real estate.
The full program of the event, including more information about the individual sessions and speakers, is now available and can be accessed here: FIABCI Real Estate Days Program at a Glance. You will also find the links to connect as well as QR codes to scan and add the event to your calendar at the end of each day in the program.
Day 1
Setting the tone for the three-day event, the keynote speech Digital transformation and the legacy of the global outbreak in real estate will be delivered by Prof. Andrew Baum, Professor of Practice at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. It will be followed by the panel discussion Is data in real estate the next ethical scandal?, with Yusra Ahmad, D&T Director, Global Data and Internal Technology GWS at CBRE, Sue Chadwick, Research Fellow at theODI.org, and Sanjaya Ranasinghe, Technical Director at WiredScore. This panel will be moderated by Peter Bolton King from the RED Foundation, partner of the session.
Day 2
The second day will start with a focus on associations and membership, with the interactive presentation Reshaping Associations - The Impact of the Pandemic on Membership Models by Belinda Moore, Managing Director at Strategic Membership Solutions (SMS), moderated by Robyn Waters, FIABCI World President 2014-2015. After this session, Ir. Dr. Wang Hong Kok, Vice President of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), 2019-2021, will present Sustaining operations and improving profitability in the Covid-19 environment: Lessons learned from two case studies. The traditional FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Award winners announcement ceremony will bring the day to an end. Every year, the FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards Ceremony recognizes the projects that best embody excellence in all the real estate disciplines involved in their creation. It concretely illustrates the FIABCI ideal of providing society with optimal solutions to its property needs and helping make the world a better place to live, work and enjoy.
Day 3
The last day of FIABCI Real Estate Days will feature a panel discussion in partnership with The Law Firm Network. Emerging Technologies facilitating Legal transactions of the Real Estate Industry will bring together Rafael Truan Blanco, Executive Director at The Law Firm Network, Georgia Lavithi, Lawyer at LLPO Law Firm, Nick Burrows, Chairman & Partner at Blandy & Blandy, and Trea McGuinness, Senior Associate at BHSM LLP Solicitors. Then, Mahmoud Al Burai will moderate the session Leveraging our resources for a healthier and resilient community worldwide with Eduardo Moreno, Head of Knowledge and Innovation at UN-Habitat, Dalia Samhouri, Regional Manager, Emergency Preparedness & IHR at WHO EMRO, Sujit Mohanty, Chief at the UNDRR Regional Office for the Arab States, and Partner Global Leader for Cities & Local Government at PwC Middle East. Last but not least, the FIABCI Transition Ceremony 2021 will be held. Highlights of this official ceremony include World President 2020-2021 Florentino Dulalia's Presidential Report, the award of the Medal of Honor, the installation of Jordi Ribo as World President 2021-2022, among other important moments.
The three-day event aims to provide an additional value proposition to FIABCI members as well as the real estate community, following an unprecedented year that, once again, renders it impossible to organize one of the Federation’s annual events, the FIABCI World Real Estate Congress.