FIABCI again participated in the World Urban Forum as it has in the past as a representative of the Private Sector with official events and a delegation of 15 members.
On Monday, February 10 FIABCI hosted an event at the Capital Centre Arjaan Hotel entitled “The City We Need is Innovative, Inclusive and Affordable for All" focused on innovative solutions for affordable housing and the CPI‐PI, and an Urban Library Event within WUF 10 on Wednesday February 12 where The City We Need is Affordable Vol IV had its official launch. “Housing is a human right” is the theme of this volume as well as the focus of two events held at WUF 10.
Approximately 30 people attended the event on Monday with two panel sessions, the first on Analyzing City Data and Gathering the Opinion of Citizens with Enrico Campagnoli, FIABCI World President 2010‐2011, Michele Melchiorri, UN‐Habitat Urban Habitat Lab and Mahmoud Al Burai, Dubai Land Department. The second panel ‐ Innovations in Real Estate and Affordable Housing – included speakers Bill Endsley, World Citizen Consulting, Edmundo Werna, International Labour Organization and Sharon Young, Global Housing Foundation.
"The City We Need is Affordable Vol IV" debuted at the Urban Library on Wednesday, February 12. This volume includes solutions from large corporations such as Amazon and United Healthcare recognizing the need for their contribution to provide housing and services for all, including the most vulnerable. Also included is the Housing First program from Finland, where based on the idea that housing is a human right, the rate of homelessness is falling, as well as the iBuild mobile app empowering the world to build by connecting skilled building professional and authenticated suppliers in a virtual marketplace.
Cases presented in the debut included a micro‐housing site in Seattle, a concrete factory on wheels quickly building houses for the Lagos State Government and prefabricated homes built for the victims of the Tsunami in Tohoku, Japan and disassembled and brought to Hawaii to house homeless families.
All four volumes of The City We Need is Affordable series are available for download here.