The FIABCI Community is Growing
Growing FIABCI’s membership through the creation of new Chapters has been a core goal within FIABCI’s strategic plan in recent years. The 2017-’18 timeframe was a productive one for progress against this important goal. In the past year, five new FIABCI Chapters were formed — in Iran, Mongolia, South Africa, Turkey and Vietnam.
Others are in the final phases of creation — including in Myanmar, Cambodia and Argentina — and many more are in discussions. FIABCI has made strong inroads in markets that will benefit most from the best practices FIABCI can bring to the local industry.
The formation of these Chapters is the result of efforts made by FIABCI Regional Presidents and other committed volunteers who laid the groundwork and helped to advance FIABCI’s interests in these markets. At the same time, their efforts have opened new opportunities for industry professionals working these markets to engage globally as part of the FIABCI family. Watch the FIABCI website for information about these new Chapters and individual affiliated members.
Extending FIABCI Benefits through Principal Members
FIABCI’s focus on Principal Members (National and Regional Associations) is also part of the strategy to increase the pool of Regular Members. Good progress was also made in this area during the past year. Fifteen new Principal Members in 12 countries and 4 Direct Members joined the FIABCI Family, creating opportunities to promote the value of individual, direct membership.
Following is a list of the new Principal and Direct Members.
FIABCI-Arabic Countries
- Kuwait Real Estate Brokers Union
- Council Saudi Chamber – National Committee for Real Estate
- Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers & Experts
- Club of Architects and Designers Agromat
- Ukrainian Society of Appraisers
- CCIM Institute – Certified Commercial Investment Member
- Leading Real Estate Companies of the World
- E-Valuations
- REIV - The Real Estate Institute of Victoria
- HAR - Hellenic Association of REALTORS
- Iran Real Estate Agents Union
- Real Estate Academy Mongolia
FIABCI-South Africa
- Black Estate Agents Forum of South Africa
- Lemder Association of Real Estate Brokers and Agents
- Vietnam National Real Estate Association
FIABCI International
- Serbia Association Real Estate Cluster (Direct Principal Member)
- Medair (Direct Member World Organization)
- Prime Media Marketing Group (Direct Corporate Member)
- IMLS (Direct Corporate Member)
Carol Weinrich Helsel
Chief Editor, FIABCI International