8th Asia Pacific Housing Forum 2021 by KADIN
Realization of nationwide sustainable development for all stakeholders in the property industry to adopt and implement requires the government to create conducive regulations and the private sector must work together to maximize their contributions towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Investments in infrastructure such as roads, bridges, clean water facilities, sanitation, and electricity are needed to open remote and isolated areas.
These were suggested by Budiarsa Sastrawinata: Head of the Board of Integrated Property Development of the Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, who is also the Chapter President of FIABCI-Indonesia during the virtual 8th Asia-Pacific Housing Forum which was organized by the Habitat for Humanity on Thursday, December 9, 2021.
Budiarsa, who is also the Managing Director of Ciputra Group, gave a presentation titled “ADAPTIVE CITY by SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Making new and integrated cities adaptive to global changes by redefining spaces in sustainable development” where he shared the role of the Indonesian property industry in developing various real estate products that shape the cities in Indonesia, ranging from residential such as housing, apartments, and commercial such as shop houses, malls and shopping centers, hotels and resorts, and office buildings. Alongside Budiarsa, other speakers at the webinar were Prashant Kapoor who is a Chief Industry Specialist for Green Buildings and Cities, Climate Business Development, International Finance Corporation (IFC); Laxman Perera who is the Human Settlements Officer of UN Habitat; and Clement Larrue, the Regional Urban Development Task Team Leader of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
Budiarsa added that cities in Indonesia are currently facing a number of serious challenges. First, the demand for housing is steadily increasing as a result of urbanization and population growth. Consequently, the need on affordable housing is also increasing. Second, the Covid-19 pandemic has created the “New Normal” where homes need to be hygienic, comfortable, and productive for the people to live, work and study. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the economic growth and it has forced the property sector to innovate and develop sustainable housings. Other challenge includes climate change that is forcing the property developers to improve how the cities are designed with provision of green and environmentally friendly spaces. Lastly, the digital transformation has redefined the need for the development of smart, inclusive and sustainable cities.