SUCCESS FORMULA united realtors and appraisers
<p>Thus, in the DOING BUSINESS 2018 ease of operation rating, Ukraine ranked 76th, rising four steps and recording significant potential for further changes. This is first and foremost relates to realtor and valuation services as a result of the development of democratic processes and which should be ensured in a socially oriented market economy.</p> <p>"In Europe, associations of brokers are engaged in political lobbying through the European Commission and the European Parliament with the necessary legislative changes with the appropriate further formation of national legislation. It is possible to classify regulated, unregulated and self-regulated countries. The regulated license is required. There are special training courses for exams, after which permission to open an agency is granted. Nevertheless, these countries are moving towards the abolition of the license. Also, European partners have a land registry and it is public and open to consumers. This is good for a broker who has information about property and reputation. As for individual countries, in Luxembourg everything is transparent, in France - it is regulated. In Belgium, there is a government body that regulates and establishes the relevant exams, as well as conducts post-control of current activities annually. In Germany, everything is unregulated and anyone can be a broker through the permission given by the commune. But there are also introducing compulsory education courses. The Netherlands is a self-regulated country through the association of property managers. Brokers belong to self-regulatory organizations - national associations. By 2012, Poland had the best regulation, but now it switches to self-regulatory processes. In general, there should be two approaches: regulation and self-regulation. Adequate reaction of politicians to changes in real estate through the formation of regulatory acts, in accordance with new rules of national associations. These changes, as a rule, take place in the most important direction - consumer protection "- shared the experience of Manuel RIZZO, President World Council of Brokers and FIABCI-Luxembourg.</p> <p>"Licensing forms the basis for corruption. For professional activities, you need to have a good work experience and the need for education is not necessary to avoid creating barriers to entry. It is necessary to choose people with high moral values, which follow the interests of clients. In Thailand, there is only a self-regulating organization that constantly monitors and checks agencies through professional exams. The government in Thailand does not quite represent the needs of real estate buyers. Requires an appropriate council to protect the rights of consumers and appraisers. In addition, important issues in the development of the market - is the availability of data and rules of taxation. However, some data are not enough to make the right decisions, you still need to feel the market.Investment in reducing transaction costs is also needed. The authorities should work to protect the interests of consumers, which is a competitive advantage, since the national ethical position is important. For example, in the United States, appraisers were allowed to collectively acquire education. However, large organizations do not have the desire to join small organizations. In view of this, it is necessary to create international appropriate self-regulating organizations of the real estate market of the UN type "- notes Dr. Sopon Pornchokchai, director Thai Real Estate Business School.</p> <p>"On the Italian real estate market, professional qualities such as loyalty, respect and openness to innovation are important. The use of communications and information platforms and the launch of new start-ups is constantly taking place, as well as the introduction of new activities through increased leadership. Organization of round tables with representatives of various units and external experts. Today, urbanization is creating new challenges in architecture and design. This is due to an increase in population density and cities become compact. This process is actively supported by politicians. Taking into account climate change, the urban prosperity index is developed to form a ranking, which allows for a better level of well-being. All layers have the opportunity to tell about the prosperity of cities and their thoughts are used for further urban development. This is done by the appropriate laboratory of Urban science, "said MARKO MATTEINI, President of the Worldwide Expert Council, FIABCI International.</p>