Past World President Robyn Waters represents FIABCI at IESC Trustees Meeting
Robyn Waters on behalf of the FIABCI participated in the 2019 Trustees Meeting of the International Ethics Standards Coalition in Ghent, (BE) which took place during and was co-located with the 38th FIABCI Global Business Summit.
The International Ethics Standards (IES) were first launched in 2014. Since launch the Coalition has now grown to its current peak of 133 Full Members and 150 Supporters worldwide. A key focus of this 2019 Trustees Meeting was to discuss the review and revision of IES as proposed by the Standard Setting Committee (SSC) as well as its further implementation. The Office Bearers and Trustees present were also joined remotely throughout the day by conference calls with the Chair of the SSC and other Trustees.
The next steps are for the SSC to discuss feedback from this Trustees Meeting and further information is expected to be available in early 2020, please see the IES website for further information.