Aftermath of Expo Real 2018
From October 7 to 9, all roads led to Munich for Europe’s biggest convention in real estate investment, development and commercial property, Expo Real. Along with Principal Member IVD – The German Real Estate Association -, FIABCI was once again part of the trade fair that attracted around 42,000 participants last year.
During an intensive discussion focused on affordable housing, Jurgen Michael Schick, president of IVD, commented: “We need a new start for more new buildings, more home ownership and fewer regulations.”
"We must tackle this social issue through a joint package of measures by federal, regional and local authorities and the associations. In this legislative period we want to build 1.5 million new apartments - through tax incentives and affordable building initiatives. Because we can only have affordable housing if we also have affordable building.", Gunther Adler, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, explained.
In the aftermath of Expo Real 2018, the record results are a reflection of the “boom” in the property sector: the number of participants rose by 6,6 percent to 44,536, as well as the number of exhibitors: 4,6 percent more than the 2,003 in 2017. The trend topics were risks, affordable housing and digital revolution.
Photo credits: Messe München GmbH.